The Festival of the Chariots depends on your kind donations. Those who understand the
cultural and spiritual value of this special celebration give generously.
We encourage you to give the most you can. Your resources will go towards:
- Maintaining and decorating the gorgeous carts that carry the Lord.
- Providing the food and other ingredients that make our free feast and food booths a success.
- Supporting the talented artists and dancers who attract the public to the festival.
- Attaining the necessary permits from the city.
- Renting the equipment and tents for bringing the festival fairground alive.
- And much more!
There are many ways you can give:
Sponsor a FLAG on the Ratha Yatra carts!

Put your name or the name of a loved one on each flag you sponsor.
Sponsor a flag for each member of your family.
GIFT FLAGS to be hung on the Ratha Yatra carts will be limited to only 100 flags per cart.
We strongly advise that you make your reservation as soon as possible to make sure you get
as many flags for your family members and loved ones as are needed. A gift of $251 entitles
you to one flag.
Sponsor the STAGE OR BOOTH of your choice!

Here are some of the stages and service booths you can sponsor:
- Main Stage
- Concert Stage
- Children's Stage and activity Area
- Curd Steak Booth (x2)
- Lassi Booth
- Changing Bodies Exhibit
- Who is Prabhupada? Booth
- El Rincon Hispano
- Origins Booth
- Savory Booth
- Illustrated Bhagavad-gita Exhibit
- The Science of Reincarnation Exhibit
- Vegetarianism Booth
- Books on Yoga and Meditation Booth
- Pizza Booth
- Sno Cone Booth
SPONSORSHIP of the main stage, concert stage, free feast booth and service booths will
be on a first-come, first-served basis.
SHARE A SPONSORSHIP! Get together with your family, friends or business associates and become
a major sponsor.